Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I am still here...

not that anyone reads this. :-} 

Anywho, I want to talk about my new weight loss plan. *crosses fingers* I'm really hoping that I'm going to stick with it as well. 

First off, I've researched the weight loss pill, alli, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to give it a shot. I've read TONS of reviews and the pros and cons and I really think it could help me. It's easy, affordable and it is not stressful. 

So, for my plan. :::) 

I'm going to start taking alli and a multivitamin every single day. alli is supposed to be taken 3 times a day with every meal. 

Here are the meals I'm going to set for myself: 
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Tuna fish sandwich
Dinner: Whatever is prepared. If nothing then I will eat a salad. 

I'm going to start an 1800 calorie diet couple with alli and a multivitamin. 

I'll start taking these on Thursday July 15, 2010. 

Wish me luck! 


Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Review of Get the Look Sets

Originally submitted at EyesLipsFace.com

Be your own makeup artist! With one of the collectors instructional themed Get the Look Kit you will have an on hand resource guide and products to create your professional look in minutes. That’s right a look with 5 products for $5 in 5 minutes! Collect them all!

Neutral Eyes contains...

Signed, Sealed and Delivered!

By Heather the Make-Up Housewife from Alabama, USA on 6/12/2010


4out of 5

Pros: Good Colors, Easy To Apply, Long Lasting, Smooth Look

Cons: Not the easiest to remove

Best Uses: Night Out

Describe Yourself: Natural Style

I bought Purple Perfection because I loved the colors of the eye shadows themselves. I could not find the colors alone with any other brand.

Note: None of the eye shadows have a name to them. All of the eye shadows are labeled as: "Elf Eye Shadow". So I try to describe them as best I can to my ability.

The first eye shadow color, the darkest, is similar to a dark lavender. It looks very shimmery in the pot, but it has very little shimmer once you apply it. I think it's perfect.

The second color, the mid-tone, reminds me of a soft to medium lilac. Shimmery, but not overly so.

The lightest color is almost a cream white. It looks like the white that Kim Kardashian wears. It really is a great highlight for the other two.

I love the liner. It is pretty dark, it's labeled in color as "Plum". It, for me, goes on smoothly and it isn't rough at all.

The mascara worked beautifully. One side of the mascara is waterproof and the other side is regular, so you have a choice in which you would like to wear. It does not clump at all.

I am, apparently, false eyelashes impaired since I cannot put on any false eyelashes I have tried. :D I'm sure they look great as well, I just cannot apply them.

The one thing I disagree with is how to apply the liner. It says to do your liner after you've done your lashes and mascara. If you do that, then the eye line WILL clump. I still am not sure on why they say to do that.

Other then that though, I love this product and am contemplating buying the Basic Brown one.

Oh, and I love the brush! It works b-e-a-utifully!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well it's been awhile since I posted last. Not much has happened since then.

I had an interview with Sears today and I think I aced it. Hopefully.

I have a fever blister, stuffy nose and sore throat. Great. :-(

I've really gotten into KoC (Kingdoms of Camelot) on FB (facebook). It's awesome. Speaking of which, I need to go upgrade my mines for more ore!!

I started my second semester of school a few weeks ago. I like it, hopefully it'll be an easy semester.

Tomorrow I'll get back on, I won't be at school because I'm not feeling so hot.

So ttyl!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thoughts, Ideas, Today, and Facebook. ;-)

I was at Facebook earlier and I was taking this quiz, "Which Stereotype fits you?" or something like that. I ended up being "The Stoner", which I still can't figure out. I guess maybe I just don't have one so they put me into the one that was closest.

Has anyone seen the trailer for 2012? It looks freaking amazing. John Cusack is in it. The other night, Thursday, I finished watching Private Practice and this trailer came on. I thought it was going to be a show because it was so long and then it said, "In theaters November 13th" and now my husband is completely psyched about it. It does look really cool. Here is one of them, 2012 Trailer #1 and then there is a 5 minute scene. Which is really cool.

I love MLIA. It's hilarious and makes my day. To bad I never have anything cool or interesting to say or I would post something there too.

I am hungry so I suppose that I will make me some lunch. My husband can fend for himself. I also have to do the dishes right now first. *sigh*

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just things that happen to me daily.

I think that my favorite webstie currently is MLIA. It's hilarious. I mean it really is; though I do think that some of the things said aren't true. Some sound just to... fake? I guess is the word I'm looking for. Anyway it's pretty funny nonetheless.

Right now I'm bored. Dead bored and tired. I wish my husband would go to the store. I don't want to have to do it because I put gas in his car. :-) I'm a loving wife, am I not? Hehe.

So I've learned a little bit about my Professors so far. And this is my assessment:
My Biology Professor is the Professor that is freakily into what she teaches. She's up at 4 am every morning googling biology.
My English Professor is the absent minded Professor. She'll come into class, say something and leave. Or forget the stuff that we're supposed to do that day but make us do something else.
My music Professor really doesn't want to be there. He could care less about the students, but he really does like music.
My math Professor is pretty cool. She's a little weird but she's really into math, but she sucks at Geometry.
My Psychology Professor is just that. A Psychologist.

School is pretty good though.

Today in lab this girl looked at me and said, "Were you in lecture?"
I said, "Yes, I sat next to you."
I felt deflated. No one pays attention to me. Apparently. :-(

I hate drivers. No body can seem to drive in the state of Alabama. I have to take the freeway to school or else it'll take me close to an hour to get there, but on the freeway at least one person everyday doesn't look BEFORE merging into my lane and almost hits me.

I wish someone would hit me because then I'll be able to get a new car. I beg them to, but sadly they notice at the last minute.

Okay well I guess I'm going to go bug my husband about going to the store. :)


Sunday, May 31, 2009


First time I'm using this.